Bishop Gerard Battersby
Bishop Gerard W. Battersby opened the National Chapter of the Secular Franciscan Order with Mass that included a homily that reminded listeners of the hope that we have in Jesus Christ.
The Christ who animated Peter and the other apostles is the same one who animates us, Bishop Battersby said.
“The first historical proof of the risen Lord was when the apostles encountered Him after the resurrection. Before they witnessed the resurrection, it was hard for the apostles to remember His promise. especially after Jesus’s savage death. Can you imagine how they must have savored the wonder and explosion of joy that changed everything for everyone? The disciples became transformed men and women,” Bishop Battersby said.
“The North Star guiding our lives is the fact that he is risen. That is the life-giving transformation because we are risen with Him, and we come to know him as the Lord of all creation.”
This changes everything for us as it did for the apostles and Francis,” he said.
“The Father’s plan is for us to become like Jesus. Do not be afraid. You have eternity to work it out,“ he said. “We must always press into the Resurrection.”
Franciscans are meeting at the Sheraton Hotel at Metro Airport in Detroit on Tuesday, Oct. 11.
The national group will continue to meet to discuss business, worship, share fellowship, and tour the Blessed Solanus Casey Center. National Chapter concludes Saturday evening after an election of officers to three-year terms on the National Executive Council.
Thank you Bishop. The Secular Franciscan Order has always been called to be first, middle, and last responders to those God puts in our path.
Servant Leadership is a special grace from God that allows us to accept suffering as well as tranquility, the difference is each leader picks up his/her cross and becomes a “christ, a model of Christ, that is,” still we must admit the church and the Secular Order is shrinking. Perhaps the “Come and See,” needs missionary disciples who will “Go and Make/Find” new folks. We have let the Holy Spirit do all the “calling” and heavy lifting for too long, each of us is responsible for evangelizing – finding the middle ground, walking in front of those in formation, then beside the newly professed, and finally we walk behind the professed for at least a year. In mentoring, coaching, and sharing our love as the triune-God loves, then the Order will grow in God’s grace to all in our path. Amen! IMHO