Tibor Kauser
Have you ever dreamed of celebrating in joy and fraternity with Franciscans from around the world?
The opportunity is coming Nov. 14-19, 2024, in Rome, Italy, with the Chapter of Mats for the Secular Franciscan Order and YouFra.
This will follow the XVII Ordinary General Chapter of the Secular Franciscan Order Nov. 9-14, 2024.
Although the event is nearly two years away, those interested are asked to let their regional ministers know by Jan. 15, 2023. Your indication of interest is non-binding but will help the international council plan for the event.
Participation is not limited to professed members of the OFS. All Secular Franciscans and their families are invited along with spiritual assistants and YouFra members, according to Tibor Kauser, OFS, the CIOFS minister general.
“In the spirit of our Franciscan charism, the Chapter of Mats will be very simple, and intentionally kept at low costs, so that nobody will have difficulties to pay the necessary costs,” Tibor said.
OFS families will host many participants in Italy while others will be hosted in convents and retreat houses with simple accommodations. This is to help keep the cost of participation down. Travel will be organized and paid by each participant. There will be a solidarity fund to help those who do need it, but financial resources will be limited, said Tibor.
An estimated 3,000 and 10,000 brothers and sisters are expected to attend.
The Chapter of Mats is intended to strengthen Franciscan spirituality, renew our sense of belonging and contribute to celebrating the Franciscan Centenaries that begin in 2023.
Read Tibor’s letter about the Chapter of Mats for more information.
Will reserve this date hopefully will be going if God wants me there, really looking forward.
Divine mercy fraternity Gibraltar)
I am coming to the Chapter of Mats, with my husband. Looking forward to the trip.
Eileen Mantz, OFS
Secretary, Lady Poverty Region, USA
Definitely interested in attending
I am so eager and hope to goodness that I can Attend. Will there be help for those of us who may have some disabilities?
Definitely going & bringing a friend with me
Thank you
I am most interested in participating in the Chapter of Mats in 2024. Thank you!
Catherine M. Skurka, OFS
Definitely interested in coming with however many of our members of our fraternity, Saint Bonaventure in Chicago can do it. Hoping of course to see all the Franciscan places around Assisi, also. Should we plan on the dates November 9–19? Is there a recommended travel agency that could help us plan this? we look forward to learning about more details, as soon as you have them.