(This article originally appeared in the Winter 2023 Issue of the TAU-USA #108)

Jane, Diane, Susan, Claudia, Cherryle, Joshua, Donna, Mary Frances, Fr. John
Jane DeRose-Bamman, OFS
Office: Minister
Region: Our Lady of Guadalupe – Empress of the Americas
Residence: Roswell, NM
Local Fraternity: St. Francis
Year professed: 1995
Motivated to be a servant leader because. . . “I never dreamed that I would one day be National Minister. My journey as a member was strengthened with each position – whether elected or appointed. Local minister, regional ecology commission chair, national ecology commission, local secretary, newsletter editor, local treasurer, vocations committee, local minister, national secretary, and currently national minister. My vocation flourishes by witnessing how others live their vocations. So, selfishly, I am motivated to serve because I learn so much from my Franciscan brothers and sisters―they truly nourish my vocation.”
Additional info: “Brian Bamman is my best friend. We’ve been married for 32 years. We were not blessed with children but cared for the adults God brought into our lives. We moved to Roswell, NM, in 2018. It’s small. I can go for months without driving over 40 miles per hour. Although small, this community is blessed with OFM Friars, Poor Clare nuns, and OFS. When I am not working or at a fraternity meeting (in-person or virtually), I would probably be playing tennis, thinking about playing tennis or planning a trip.”
Diane F. Menditto, OFS
Office: Vice Minister
Region: Our Lady of the Angels
Residence: Hackensack, NJ
Local Fraternity: St. Francis
Year professed: 1979
Motivated to be a servant leader because. . .“Servant leadership is the best way I know to share the gifts God has given me with my brothers and sisters. Serving the National Fraternity allows me to collaborate with others in moving the Order forward. Sharing what I have learned from great leaders and formators during my 43 years as a Secular Franciscan gives me great joy,”
Additional info: “I love flowers, photography, traveling, teaching and speaking Spanish.”
Susan Ronan, OFS
Office: Secretary
Region: St. Elizabeth of Hungary
City: Sandown, NH
Local Fraternity: Greccio
Year professed: 2003
Motivated to be a servant leader because. . . “The Lord has blessed me with so many gifts―an amazing family, loyal and faithful friends, a love-filled life. It is an honor to offer any assistance I can to my Franciscan brothers and sisters.” Additional info: “Music has been a blessed thread throughout my life…just love to sing!”
Claudia Kauzlarich, OFS
Office: Treasurer
Region: Juan de Padilla
City: Harrisonville, MO
Local Fraternity: Secular Franciscans of the Holy Eucharist
Year professed: 2008
Motivated to be a servant leader because. . . “The Love of God, Christ requests it of us, as well as love of the Order and my brothers and sisters in Francis and Clare.”
Additional info: “The NEC is here to serve each of you. Contact me if you have any questions.”
Cherryle Fruge, OFS
Office: National Councilor
Region: St. Joan of Arc
Residence: Lake Charles, LA
Local Fraternity: San Damiano
Year professed: 2003
Motivated to be a servant leader because. . . “Holy God’s Love motivates me to be all I can as a servant leader. I’m very grateful that my Lord gave me sisters and brothers as companions along the way to mentor me into this role as a servant leader from local, regional and now at national level. I feel the Holy Spirit has been teaching me to live and work with you as if you are my spouse so that I can learn what servant leadership truly is. As Jesus has shown us, we must also do — “I have come to serve, not to be served.” Having never been married, I remember vividly while I was in adoration and before I was to facilitate the teaching on the sacrament of Holy Matrimony in RCIA, I was enlightened in a most profound way that Jesus is my Spouse. This spousal love is being revealed between you and me because as members of the Body of Christ, as His Church, we are His spouse and spousal to each other. This kind of unity is linking us in a very unique way. I look forward to building that deep abiding love with the wider fraternity as this new journey begins in my life. Come Holy Spirit! Show us the way of truth through God’s Love. Amen.”
Additional info: “My parents are deceased. I have two siblings. Carol is the oldest. She lives about an hour from me in Lafayette. My brother Phil was the middle child. I guess by now you know who the “baby” is. Phil and his wife, Sandra passed away a few years back. I was blessed with a 40-year career in a petroleum refinery in Lake Charles, LA. I retired in 2015 and have immensely enjoyed being of service to the church and to the Secular Franciscan Order. Even though the conversion journey has not been easy, I’m madly in love with the work of the Holy Spirit! After all that’s why I’m here because of God’s Amazing Grace.”
Joshua Molidor, OFS
Office: National Councilor
Region: Los Tres Companeros
Residence: Frisco, TX
Local Fraternity: Immaculata
Year professed: 1994
Motivated to be a servant leader because. . . “Our Rule, which asks us to be ready and willing to serve, and is a duty of responsibility to each member (Art. 21)”
Donna Hollis, OFS
Office: National Councilor
Region: Our Lady of Guadalupe
City: Las Cruces, NM
Local Fraternity: Our Lady of Guadalupe
Year professed: 1983
Motivated to be a servant leader because. . . “What motivates me is getting to know my brothers and sisters and being a support to them. My calling is to lift up people’s hearts and give them reasons for spiritual joy. Being Franciscan is to take on the charism of St. Francis, who himself worked with the marginalized emulating the Gospel life. I can do no less. My heart is in love with our Order and those who live out this life. We are the heart, eyes, hands, and feet to others, showing compassion to all people. My true joy of being a councilor is the opportunity to go and visit with my brothers and sisters, encouraging them and showing God’s love and grace in every situation that we grow through together.”
Mary Frances Charsky, OFS
Office: International Councilor
Region: St. Kateri Tekakwitha Region
Residence: Binghamton, NY
Local Fraternity: St. Francis
Year professed: 1981
Motivated to be a servant leader because. . . “The joy of being with brothers and sisters encouraging each other on our journey to the Lord our God motivates me to be a Franciscan servant leader. I cherish these times. The Holy Spirit helps me to keep in mind what Jesus would do and to see Jesus in all others. It is as easy as breathing. I see the talents and the gifts of my brothers and sisters. Those who have come before us are role models that we honor and remember. We are grateful for our ability to follow Jesus in the footsteps of St. Francis and St. Clare. My true joy in being a Councilor is the opportunity to go and visit with my Brothers and Sisters, encouraging them and showing God’s love and grace in every situation that we grow through together.”
Fr. John DeLaRiva, OFM Cap.
President-in-Turn of Conference of National Spiritual Assistants
Born (in February of 1961) and raised in Orange County, California. At the age of 29, I joined the Capuchin Franciscans in 1989.
Professed Final Vows in 1996, and was ordained a Priest in 1999.
My ministries have focused on Parish work, Chaplaincy for Hospitals, High Schools, and Jails.
My last assignment was as Rector of the National Shrine of Saint Francis of Assisi located in San Francisco, CA.
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