By Jane DeRose-Bamman, OFS
National Minister

Listen Audio: 2:33 min.

Jane DeRose-Bamman National Minister

In my home, visitors see religious articles throughout. These include a crucifix by the entrance of most of our rooms. My office has all my Franciscan images along with my framed profession certificate. In our primary bedroom, we have a collage of religious art across from the chairs where I often sit to pray.

The month of June is very special to me. I professed to live the Rule of the OFS on June 4, 1995. It holds many feast days for inspiring saints (including St. Anthony of Padua, St Thomas More, St John the Baptist, Sts Peter and Paul). But the most important aspect for me is the month is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Pope Leo XIII consecrated the world to the Sacred Heart and established June as the month to celebrate it in 1899. Although St. Francis may not have used the term “Sacred Heart”, St. Francis’ love for the suffering Christ was the basis for the Stigmata.

Article 10 of the OFS rule fits in well with this month’s dedication:

“Uniting themselves to the redemptive obedience of Jesus, who placed his will into the Father’s hands, let them faithfully fulfil the duties proper to their various circumstances of life. Let them also follow the poor and crucified Christ, witness to him even in difficulties and persecutions.”

 New Mexican style images of the Sacred Heart are in the collage on my bedroom wall. More than just decorations, the images keep me focused. My prayer for this month is for all of us to reflect on the Sacred Heart and to find ways to transform any suffering we experience into grace for our neighbors.

I conclude this message with the verse of a song by songwriter Michael John Poirier.

“Most sacred heart of Jesus
Truly present in the Holy Eucharist
I place all my trust in You!”
By Michael John Poirier

May Jesus Christ be praised now and forever!