To celebrate and reflect on the Centenary of the Stigmata of St. Francis, the CNSA and the National Formation Commission collaborated on a two-day conference/day of reflection at the Villa Maria Education and Spirituality Center in Villa Maria PA.

Sr. Margaret Carney, OSF, and Father Marek Stybor, OFM Conv., provided two full days of insight and inspiration to 45 Regional Spiritual Assistants, Regional Formation Directors and members of the CNSA and National Formation Commission from across the nation, including Guam. It was a beautiful time of fraternal joy and relationship building among Seculars, Friars and Sisters, many of whom were meeting for the first time.

The first day, Sr. Margaret gifted the participants with a wealth of insights and perspectives from the Franciscan sources. To help her get to know us, Sr. Margaret invited the participants to stand and tell the group who they were, what their ministry was and where they were from.  The round of introductions concluded with a spontaneous singing of “This Land is My Land”.

The second day, Fr. Marek helped the participants delve into the spirituality of the Stigmata.    Father’s themes were “From Complaining to Gratitude”, “From Wounded to Healed” and “From Rejection to Acceptance”. The day included Eucharistic adoration and an opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

See the agenda and materials below for details.

Pictured below:

Group picture of event participants,

Our Presenters:  Sr. Margaret Carney, OSF and Fr. Marek Stybor, OFM Conv.,

The Mass of the Exaltation of the Cross – from left, Deacon Will Tribbey, OFS, Sr. John DeLaRiva, OFM Cap., Fr. Jerome Wolbert, OFM, Fr. Marek Stybor, OFM Conv. and Fr. Cid Joseph, OFM.,

The beautiful chapel bathed in light.