by Stan Sisson, OFS

A good friend shared this experience-and it’s one to be shared – not only because it’s a true story but because of its uplifting and reaffirming message. To protect identity, I’ll refer to my friend as a female although you need to understand “she” could be anyone.

My good friend was going through a “dark” time. If you’ve ever had someone discuss the pain and feeling of hopelessness with having thoughts of “ending it all,” then you know the feeling of helplessness and sorrow that you experience on their behalf. All you can think about is “what can I do to help?” After my friend revealed that suicide was actually attempted – and thank good- ness it was a failure – the gravity of the situation was intense, to say the least.

As with many people dealing with depression, my friend was able to mask all the pain and carry out day-to-day activities with the dark thoughts hidden away. Oftentimes, pain is hidden behind humor that keeps the darkness at bay. Although going to work was difficult, it helped to hide the pain for a few hours. She was able to do just that.

Coming home from work and arriving at that dark place again, my friend pulled into the driveway and noticed a white bird – just sitting in the front yard. Thinking nothing of it, she went into the house and dealt with her darkness. This same scenario carried on for a couple of days and she began to be concerned that perhaps this white bird was ill and needed attention from professionals. What bird remains in place for days without flying away? One day, upon finding the bird sitting on the edge of the bird bath, she decided to try to approach it and see what the situation was. As she slowly drew near, suddenly she had to stop as intense and unstoppable feelings came over her. She heard these words: “YOU ARE NOT ALONE.” And as soon as those words were received, the bird immediately flew away.


That little white bird carried such a powerful message to someone in need of hope. To this day, whenever she feels a bit of “darkness” creeping in on her, believe it or not – a white bird shows up somewhere near her. She finds comfort with her little white bird and knows that she is surely never alone. Her story is a true spiritual revelation – everything is one in love.

This true story reveals to us that God is present in all things and the Holy Spirit is our helper. “YOU ARE NOT ALONE.”

1. White Bird on a rock in front of a fiery red bush & blue sky with cloudsWhite Bird on a rock in front of a fiery red bush & blue sky with clouds


         I created these two pieces of art and framed them. I presented them to my friend asking her to select one. She chose number one.