Cherryle Fruge, OFS – NEC Councilor

I heard of a story years ago, of a young man making numerous attempts to change the world.  With so much chaos and darkness, he felt it was falling apart. He was disheartened because his efforts seemed fruitless.

Then one day someone said, if you want to change the world, begin by changing yourself, then the world around you will begin to change, and eventually the ripple effect will extend outwards into the world.

That inspired me to always look inward at my own shortcomings, and to see what needs changing. I realized that on my own accord, I don’t have the power to change anyone much less myself. It is all made possible by the grace of Holy God.

This Gospel to Life journey requires that I allow the Source of all Light to enter my very being to illuminate the Highway to Heaven.

Is that not what St. Francis was striving to understand?  He became fascinated with following the Light that whispered deep in his soul, “Francis, go rebuild my Church!”

At first, St. Francis assumed he meant the Churches that had fallen into ruins. However, as he listened more intently, he heard something more profound,  “Rebuild my Church one living stone at a time.”

Hence, he spent the rest of his life, discerning and realizing if he opened himself up, his Beloved would heal his worldly ways and brokenness to become who he was meant to be. St Francis lit up the world as they witnessed this little poor man from Assisi being transformed while living out the Gospel Life.

Let us “Go forth” as we remember our Beloved Saint Francis this month.

  • What does Gospel to Life mean to you?
  • How do we reveal the Gospel, in the way we live our daily life?

Pax et Bonum!

Cherryle Fruge, OFS
NEC Councilor