(This article originally appeared in the TAU-USA Fall 2024 Issue #113)
by Vickie Klick, OFS
Chair, NAFRA Centenary Task Force
As part of our celebration of the 800th anniversary of Francis receiving the stigmata, we began three of our four mornings at Chapter with reflections on Francis’ experience – and sufferings – as a servant leader, and how his example can help us understand our roles today.
Francis’ stigmata were the culmination of many sufferings with Christ over his lifetime. Many of those sufferings came from life with his brothers, as indeed it does for all of us. It is important for us to recognize that the problems we face today in living in fraternity are very similar to the problems that Francis and his brothers faced. Human nature has not changed!
Each reflection used a reading taken from the Early Documents. We used a group Lectio Divina format, listening to the reading three times and then sharing what particularly struck us in the reading.
The first morning, we read how Francis celebrated Chapter with the friars. Anything Francis asked the brothers to do, he would first demonstrate with his own actions, and he called them all to have peace in their hearts.
On the second morning, we tackled Francis’ Letter to a Minister, in which he challenges a minister to accept those causing him great difficulty and all of what they are doing to him as God’s grace, and to not wish that they be better Christians. Everyone was invited to think privately about those who came to mind, and to ponder how we could live up to Francis’ exhortation.
Finally, we turned to a reading where Francis, discouraged by the behavior of some of the brothers, gave the order back to God. It was a reminder that our leaders are here as a sign to our brothers and sisters that God is the one who ultimately watches over us.
We closed the final session with a reading from the Second Letter to the Faithful which exhorted us to be servants to all for God’s sake and promised the Spirit to those who persevere.

Vickie Click, OFS, leading daily reflection & sharing related to the Stigmata of St. Francis
References to the readings and the discussion questions are available on the National Website: https://www.secularfranciscansusa.org/centenary-resources-the-gift-of-the-stigmata/
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.
(From a fortune cookie at Chapter.)
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