(This article originally appeared in the TAU-USA Fall 2024 Issue #113)
by Sharon Winzeler, OFS
Communication Committee Chair
Daily Mass in the Our Lady of the Angels Church offered attendees at the 2024 Chapter in Scottsdale, AZ, the Holy Eucharist as well as food for thought.
Masses were celebrated throughout the week by the attending CNSA friars—Fr. Marek Stybor, OFM Conv., Fr. John DeLaRiva, OFM Cap., and Fr. Jerome Wolbert, OFM. Bishop John Dolan of the Diocese of Phoenix presided at the Friday evening Mass.

From left to right are, Fr. Marek Stybor, OFM Conv., Fr. John De La Riva, OFM Cap., and Fr. Jerome Wolbert, OFM.
Fr. Marek’s homily at the opening Mass on the Feast of the Stigmata emphasized that true discipleship requires us to listen for the Holy Spirit’s guidance. He reflected on the suffering of the stigmata or suffering as a transformative experience—”the kiss of Jesus”—that can lead to profound change if we invite God into our darkest moments. He suggested that just as Francis found joy in adversity, we too can find meaning by replacing feelings of rejection with gratitude, and woundedness with healing.
The message warned against the dangers of power and control, advocating instead for servant leadership. Ultimately, the homily encouraged spending time in prayer, reminding us that our lives reflect the gospel to others, making us living testaments of faith. (Listen to Fr. Marek’s homily.)
During Thursday’s Mass, Fr. Jerome talked about how Christ’s sacrifice was not solely a response to sin but an expression of God’s love as articulated by John Duns Scotus, who suggested that Jesus would have come to us even without the fall of Adam and Eve. “Our religion, true Christianity, says God came to dwell with us,” Fr. Jerome said.
The essence of true Christianity is that God chose to dwell among humanity, despite the reality of human sin and suffering. This love calls Christians to reflect on their own willingness to extend love to others, even those who may harbor animosity towards them.
The sermon used the example of a saint who faced persecution to illustrate the metaphorical “stones” people throw, which represent the hardened hearts of others. It concluded with the idea that only by confronting uncomfortable challenges can individuals cultivate a heart open to God’s love and transformation.
During the closing Mass, Fr. John used a personal example to reflect on ‘what a gift it is to be a servant.’ He conveyed the profound impact his mother’s life of service had on his family as evidenced by two aprons that she wore. He said these protective garments, worn during countless moments of nurturing and care, represented not just pieces of cloth but the essence of selfless service, attentiveness and love his mother demonstrated throughout her life. This example celebrated the beauty of serving others with love.
In this homily, Fr. John reflected on the idea that our trajectory in life is intertwined with God’s presence and guidance. He encouraged listeners to “listen to Him with faith,” reassuring them that amidst life’s chaos, God will care for them.
While challenging moments may humble us, they should not discourage us. He invited everyone to embrace the richness and grace that come from serving others. The aprons symbolize his mother’s kindness and love. He encouraged listeners to “cherish in a special way the apron—the call that is a labor of love,” reminding them of the profound beauty in serving one another.
Bishop Dolan used the phrase “form follows function” in the context of our spiritual journey. He pointed out how a church building can reflect the spiritual journey of a community. He noted the openness to nature that worshippers experience in Our Lady of the Angels Church. He pointed out how its large windows bring nature to the worshipper and foster a deeper spiritual experience.

Architectural glasswork above the back of the church
His homily also explored the idea that “form follows function” in the context of our Christian journey, where our primary function is to follow Christ by dying to ourselves and embracing love. He emphasized that this exercise can sometimes become overshadowed by daily activities, causing us to lose sight of our purpose as Christians.
In addition, Bishop Dolan reflected on the call to know the Lord, urging listeners to consider whether they are truly aligned with this desire as they prepare to receive the Eucharist. He asked congregants to listen to the words of the upcoming song which began, “Only this I want: but to know the Lord.” His message encouraged introspection about what one truly wants in the spiritual life, prompting a return to the essence of faith and commitment.
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