(This article originally appeared in the TAU-USA Fall 2024 Issue #113)
by Kathleen Molaro, OFS National FY/YA Animator
One charism that defines the spirituality of a Secular Franciscan is that of servant leadership. Our spirituality is based on journeying together as a community of love – a fraternity. To be a leader is to guide and animate the fraternity with hope and joy; to assume responsibility and hold authority, but not power; and to have a collegial relationship with those we serve, always inviting others to share their gifts, talents, and ideas.
The CIOFS Formation Secretariat shared a document recently titled Animation and Servant Leadership in the OFS-YouFra. They point out examples of the servant leadership style we, as Secular Franciscans, are called to imitate.
Jesus “came into the world to serve, to give himself entirely to others.” His life, dedicated to the growth and well-being of all people, attracted others, especially due to his deep connection to our Heavenly Father. Mary led, and still leads, “through her constant presence and necessary proximity.” She trusted, shared what she witnessed, and quietly and eagerly served. Saint Francis “always accompanied the brothers with closeness, dialogue, listening, presence, encounter, and above all, by making every word he proposed a reality.” Saint Clare broke away from stereotypes, a radical move during that era. Others “saw in her the courage to leave her comfortable life and to give herself completely” to God and in service to others. Jesus, Mary, Francis, and Clare also lived what they preached. They didn’t expect of others what they weren’t willing to undertake themselves.
When we speak of servant leadership in the YouFra movement, these ideals can be readily applied. Once a YouFra is established, the young people will be their own animators, with the support of the OFS. They will provide their own servant leadership, along with the connection to the leadership of a local fraternity.
In the meantime, as we walk them toward the eventual formation of a YouFra, are we witnessing to them what it means to be a servant leader? Are we helping them learn how to make valid, well-thought-out Christ-centered decisions? Are we in their presence with a cordial and joyful demeanor? Are we listening, promoting healthy dialogue, and committed to strengthening their sense of community? Are we prayerful? Are we committed to their well-being? If so, we are acting as good servant leaders, and able to pass on the role to our younger generation.
The Franciscan Youth and Young Adult Commission has spent several years helping regions, fraternities, and individuals better understand the needs of youth and young adults. We have periodically held “Core Four” Zoom sessions that cover the basics of working with young people.
Future sessions will highlight ways to plan and implement ideas for reaching out to younger Catholics. These session topics have been determined by five main desires of young people: 1. To be part of a community; 2. Prayer and spiritual growth; 3. To be of service; 4. To determine and strengthen their vocations; and 5. To learn peaceful, Franciscan-hearted conflict resolution.
We know that leadership in the involvement of youth and young adults will ensure a future of folks willing to change the world by living a gospel life. We hope and pray that more of you will join us in this life-giving, courageous journey.

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