(This article originally appeared in the TAU-USA Fall 2024 Issue #113)
Brother Bill Short, OFM

Bro. Bill Short, OFM
Director Collegium S. Bonaventurae-Frati Editori di Quaracchi Collegio S. Isidoro in Rome, Italy. Professor of Spirituality, Franciscan School of Theology.
Brother Bill was born and raised in Seattle, Washington. After graduating from the University of San Francisco, he entered the novitiate of the Franciscan Friars of St. Barbara Province, making his solemn profession of vows in 1978. After graduate studies in Berkeley and Rome, he was appointed to a teaching position at the Franciscan School of Theology, where he has subsequently served as Academic Dean and President.
In addition to his academic work, he is also an amateur winemaker, a native-plant gardener, and an interpreter – translator for many international Franciscan meetings.
Darleen Pryds, PhD

Darleen Pryds, PhD
Associate Professor of Spirituality and History and Academic Director, MTS-Franciscan Theology online degree, at the Franciscan School of Theology. Acquisitions Editor, Franciscan Media.
Darleen Pryds is a laywoman who has been exploring the Franciscan spiritual tradition since she was a freshman in college. Since then, she has found her academic research on the lay Franciscan tradition buoys her faith. Her focus on lay Franciscans has analyzed the tradition of lay preaching as a form of “Somatic Theology,” or theology expressed through lived experience. You can find her research in her many books and articles. Currently, her work explores Franciscan Laity as Co-Creators of the Franciscan Tradition and Caregiving at the End of Life.
Father Wayne Hellmann, OFM Conv.

Darleen Pryds, PhD
Friar Wayne Hellmann is professor emeritus at Saint Louis University, where he had served for forty-five years. He had earned his Doctorate in Theology from Ludwig-Maximilians- Universität in Munich, Germany in 1974. He directed doctoral dissertations on themes within the Franciscan tradition and received many awards and other recognition during his distinguished academic career at Saint Louis University. He also served in leadership positions within his Conventual Province of Our Lady of Consolation, including that of Minister Provincial.
He served as co-editor of the three-volume series, Francis of Assisi: Early Documents (New City Press, 1999-2001) and also as co-editor for the first three volumes of Studies in Early Franciscan Sources (Franciscan Institute Press, St. Bonaventure University, 2011). These latter volumes offer scholarly essays on each of the writings of Francis and of Clare. In addition, he has written numerous articles and served as an editor for the Franciscan entries found in the new edition of the New Catholic Encyclopedia. For many summers over the last years, he taught early Franciscan sources at the Franciscan Institute at St. Bonaventure, New York. More recently he served as adjunct visiting professor at the Franciscan School of Theology in San Diego, California. Additionally, he has often lectured or conducted retreats for Franciscans in Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.
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