(This article originally appeared in the TAU-USA Winter 2025 Issue #114)

Jane DeRose-Bamman, OFS

Minister’s Message

It’s the beginning of 2025, and we are in the Jubilee Year of Hope. “Pilgrims of hope” is the theme. We are people of hope – never despairing. That is great news, and it is worth sharing.

Brian (co-minister) and I recently focused on ways to increase the number of people we serve with our business. The effort resulted in setting goals for reaching out daily to various clients, business partners, and individuals to see who we could assist with attaining the dream of home ownership. Next, we planted seeds by sharing our ideas with the various partners. Over the years, we have come to learn that the seeds we plant do not sprout immediately. We may not see results until months down the road, however we must sow seeds now to reap a harvest later.

Can we apply this approach to the Order as well? This is a great time to set goals for promoting vocations. Reach out to potential vocations or those who can spread the word.

Think about the last thing you shared with someone: maybe a joke, exciting news, or a fun fact – information you thought was interesting or useful. It was easy. Are you passionate about your Franciscan vocation? In this TAU-USA issue you’ll find practical ideas for spreading the word about our vocation. My challenge to you is to consider one thing you could do within 30 days of reading it.

Be prepared because the opportunity can arise without much warning. Think about how you learned about the Order and follow that process. Do what is most comfortable to you depending on your gifts. Once you decide on your method, translating it to vocation seed planting should be easy.

My favorite is responding when someone asks, “What’s that ‘T’ around your neck?” I ask whether they have heard about the Secular Franciscan Order. If time permits, I have my elevator speech ready (one minute or less) and my business card.

The Jubilee Year of Hope may be a great starter for conversations. Our efforts to plant seeds now with periodic watering allow the Master Gardener to reap the harvest in due time.

We are pilgrims of hope. Go forth filled with hope to attract new vocations.