The Fruitfulness of a Vocation
I want to share with you two things: the fruitfulness of my vocation in the Secular Franciscan Order, and how the call led me to serve as a National Executive Councilor.
I want to share with you two things: the fruitfulness of my vocation in the Secular Franciscan Order, and how the call led me to serve as a National Executive Councilor.
At our National Chapter in October 2022, the National Fraternity Council decided that the priorities for the following three years would be Vocations, Communications, and Relationships. As we enter 2025, we have a year - long opportunity to assess our progress and plan for the future.
En nuestro Capítulo Nacional en octubre de 2022, el Consejo de la Fraternidad Nacional decidió que las prioridades para los tres años siguientes serían las Vocaciones, las Comunicaciones y las Relaciones. Al entrar en 2025, tenemos una oportunidad para evaluar nuestro progreso y planificar el futuro.
New Year’s blessings to you. The beginning of the liturgical year also means the start of the Advent Season. Notice I wrote Advent Season, not Christmas Season. Although the Church says the Christmas Season doesn’t start for 3+ weeks, the rest of society doesn’t buy it. Most of our friends, neighbors and businesses have jumped to Christmas already. By the time the Feast of the Nativity arrives, and the actual Christmas Season begins, many have moved on - ready to take down the decorations.
I recall when I was in initial formation and my local fraternity was getting ready for elections, they were mentioning the council positions and when they said treasurer, I thought “Well, Lord, you have provided me with the skills so this is a way I could serve if that is what you want.” And so I have - at the local level for many years, at the Regional level for several terms and now at the National level for two terms.
Professed members of the Secular Franciscan Order (OFS) are responsible for the welfare and growth of our prospective members and have a role as mentor in multiple circumstances.
I heard of a story years ago, of a young man making numerous attempts to change the world. With so much chaos and darkness, he felt it was falling apart. He was disheartened because his efforts seemed fruitless.
Recently I was at a Mass and ceremony on the 25th anniversary of Profession for a Sister of St. Francis. What an inspiration it was! This was a reminder for me and all of us present about what a gift our Profession is to us. It was a reminder that during our years as Franciscans, we make a sincere effort to make present the charism of our common Seraphic Father in the life and mission of the church.
Many of us, who may have spent years living with our spouse, have been reminded of our matrimonial promise….to love, honor, and cherish. In sickness and health, for better or for worse, till death do we part.
In my home, visitors see religious articles throughout. These include a crucifix by the entrance of most of our rooms. My office has all my Franciscan images along with my framed profession certificate. In our primary bedroom, we have a collage of religious art across from the chairs where I often sit to pray.