
About Jim Thomas

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So far Jim Thomas has created 59 blog entries.

Don’t jump to Christmas too early

New Year’s blessings to you. The beginning of the liturgical year also means the start of the Advent Season. Notice I wrote Advent Season, not Christmas Season. Although the Church says the Christmas Season doesn’t start for 3+ weeks, the rest of society doesn’t buy it. Most of our friends, neighbors and businesses have jumped to Christmas already. By the time the Feast of the Nativity arrives, and the actual Christmas Season begins, many have moved on - ready to take down the decorations.

2024-12-01T12:13:52-05:00November 30th, 2024|Categories: Voices of Gospel Living|Tags: |24 Comments

Treasurer Vocation

I recall when I was in initial formation and my local fraternity was getting ready for elections, they were mentioning the council positions and when they said treasurer, I thought “Well, Lord, you have provided me with the skills so this is a way I could serve if that is what you want.” And so I have - at the local level for many years, at the Regional level for several terms and now at the National level for two terms.

2025-02-05T12:34:35-05:00February 4th, 2025|Categories: Voices of Gospel Living|Tags: |4 Comments

Celebrating the Anniversary of our Franciscan Profession

Recently I was at a Mass and ceremony on the 25th anniversary of Profession for a Sister of St. Francis. What an inspiration it was! This was a reminder for me and all of us present about what a gift our Profession is to us. It was a reminder that during our years as Franciscans, we make a sincere effort to make present the charism of our common Seraphic Father in the life and mission of the church.

2024-07-31T21:13:59-04:00July 31st, 2024|Categories: Voices of Gospel Living|Tags: |0 Comments
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