
About Jim Thomas

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So far Jim Thomas has created 59 blog entries.

A Visioning for Formation: As in St. Francis’ Time, Spirit of Age Ultimately Doesn’t Satisfy

Setting the stage for a weekend of formation visioning, Fr. David Pivonka, TOR, provided a dose of reality. “The world has profoundly changed in the last 25 years,” said the host of EWTN’s Wild Goose series. “Young people have no safe place. There is a sense of danger infiltrating every part of us.” He said that there are things that want to corrupt, to manipulate the spirit of faith.

2022-09-30T08:07:16-04:00May 23rd, 2022|Categories: Formation, From the Newsletter|0 Comments

OFS Mission Opportunity – To Assist Migrants and Refugees

We are in troubling times. We hear the news of migrants and refugees at the border, and we ask, “what is ours to do?” As directed by our Bishops, we need to put two feet of love in action. We need both social action and charitable works. Certainly, there are root causes that need to be addressed, and our country’s immigration laws need revision, but meanwhile, we must meet the immediate needs of these brothers and sisters. To that end, the National Executive Council OFS-USA offers this Mission Opportunity for Secular Franciscans to assist Project Oak Tree.

2022-05-23T11:03:40-04:00June 30th, 2019|Categories: Announcements, Minister’s Message|1 Comment
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