
About Sharon Winzeler

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So far Sharon Winzeler has created 145 blog entries.

Triduum of St. Francis of Assisi

Begin observing the feast of St. Francis of Assisi today with Triduum prayers just released by CIOFS.  Day 1 begins with this encouragement from St. Francis, "In that love which is God, I entreat all my friars, ministries and subjects, to put away every attachment, all care and solicitude, and serve, love, honour, and adore our Lord and God with a pure heart and mind; this is what He seeks above all else."

2024-10-01T10:31:55-04:00October 1st, 2024|Categories: CIOFS, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Eucharistic Congress Ends with Revival

“It was truly an extraordinary experience,” said Susan Ronan, secretary of the National Executive Council  Secular Franciscan Order-USA, as the Eucharistic Congress entered its closing hours in Indianapolis. Tens of thousands of attendees will be commissioned Sunday morning to go out into the world with a renewed passion for Our Lord and to proclaim the Gospel.

2024-07-20T21:19:15-04:00July 20th, 2024|Categories: Eucharistic Revival 2022-2025|0 Comments
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