State of the Order: Renewal and Priority of Fraternity
The Holy Spirit continues to move us on a trajectory of renewal.
The Holy Spirit continues to move us on a trajectory of renewal.
Let’s look back at our history from the time of the new Rule until today. Reflecting on our history can help us understand where we’re going in the light of where we've been.
The signs of the times became a catalyst that has characterized our national efforts in the last three years.
“Let prayer and contemplation be the soul of all they are and do . . . going from gospel to life and life to the gospel” (O.F.S. Rule, articles #8 and #4). How are Secular Franciscans called to pray communally, privately and liturgically? Consider these reflections in a digest article by Teresa Baker, OFS.
Francis, like all Medieval Christians, had a special devotion to Mary, the mother of Jesus. As we celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God, here is an article that discusses the importance of Mary in Franciscan life.
Are you wounded? Were you wounded by someone or some experience that impacts you to this day? Do you carry those experiences like baggage that weigh you down and impede your joy in life? Did you ask for healing, but God seemingly ignores your plea?
After finishing high school, becoming an “alumna” of Capuchin Youth & Family Ministries (CYFM), and going away to college, I gradually began to yearn more and more for the charism of the Franciscan community
With nearly two years to go to the Quinquennial Congress, where we will celebrate the 800th anniversary of our Secular Order, we are actively seeking dynamic presenters who will not only add to our body of Franciscan knowledge but also speak to our hearts to increase our Franciscan spirituality and call us continuously to conversion.
The nativity scene is “like the living Gospel, rising up from the pages of sacred Scripture,” according to Pope Francis who issued a new Apostolic Letter on its importance on the First Sunday in Advent.
Dear Brothers and Sisters: I can’t believe I have been a Secular Franciscan for 50 years.