Friars Work to Keep Hope Alive in the Ukraine
Franciscan friars are working selflessly and courageously to bring hope to the men, women, and children of Ukraine.
Franciscan friars are working selflessly and courageously to bring hope to the men, women, and children of Ukraine.
Consider deepening your Franciscan spirituality in Lent by praying the Office of the Passion of St. Francis of Assisi. The office was written by St. Francis of Assisi, and he prayed it seven times daily.
Pope Francis and Franciscan world leaders are calling for prayers and fasting for peace in Ukraine on Ash Wednesday.
General Minister Tibor Kauser, OFS, is echoing Pope Francis's call for prayers for peace in Ukraine. "I invite you dear brothers and sisters, to strengthen our unity with each other, with the whole Franciscan family and with the Catholic Church by joining the prayer of Pope Francis for peace on Ash Wednesday," he said.
The National Executive Council is seeking applicants for the position of National Ecumenical/Interfaith Committee Chair. If you are interested in this position or know someone you would like to nominate, request an application prior to March 20, 2022.
Join a 10-month study of the Beatitudes sponsored by the Secular Franciscan Order beginning Saturday, Feb. 19.
I love St. Francis’ ability to find joy in everything! Francis used his senses to experience God’s love. He looked at a bird and understood; he heard the bird’s call and experienced the handiwork of God through the bird. What joy!
It all started when Susan Tabor, OFS, and Janice Benton, OFS, shared a dream with each other. That dream, based on their shared vision of fully accessible events and materials, such as Braille and large print, and inspired by our call to value the inherent dignity of every person, led to an idea of how we might help others in this area.
“Gaining inspiration from the example and the writings of Francis and, above all, filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit, each day the brothers and sisters faithfully live the great gift which Christ has given: the revelation of the Father. They should bear witness to this faith before all:…. – in their associations with all men and women, brothers and sisters of the same Father;”
“The Spirit is a movin’ all o-o-ver, all o-o-ver this land.” Remember that lovely song from back in the day? Admitting this will give evidence to the age of most of us—but it’s still a great song, and very appropriate for our times.