
About Sharon Winzeler

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So far Sharon Winzeler has created 145 blog entries.

New Beginnings with A Hopeful Vision of Unity Among All People

“Gaining inspiration from the example and the writings of Francis and, above all, filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit, each day the brothers and sisters faithfully live the great gift which Christ has given: the revelation of the Father. They should bear witness to this faith before all:…. – in their associations with all men and women, brothers and sisters of the same Father;”

2024-06-06T18:33:40-04:00January 24th, 2022|Categories: Ecumenical Interfaith Committee, From the Newsletter|0 Comments

Memoriale Propositi: Going home. A Formation Project That Renews Us

Have you ever had the experience of finding old letters in the attic that our grandparents wrote? What treasures! To peek into the lives of those whose DNA we carry is a wonderful gift. Did you try to see yourself in that old picture of your great-grandmother or great-grandfather? How did you feel when you discovered them? Why did it mean so much when you found them?

2022-05-11T14:54:24-04:00January 10th, 2022|Categories: Formation|1 Comment

Fillable Transfer Form Available Online

A fillable PDF form for Secular Franciscans seeking to transfer to another fraternity is now available on the website. Transfers are most often requested for one of two reasons: (1) the member will be moving to another location and can no longer participate in their fraternity or (2) the local fraternity to which they belong has been deactivated.

2021-12-20T08:35:43-05:00December 20th, 2021|Categories: New Resource, Uncategorized|3 Comments

Breakaway Group Activily Seeks to Draw Members from OFS

Each of our families is touched by broken relationships. At least somewhere in the family tree, there is likely to be divorce, separation, or some kind of estrangement. Our national fraternity is similar in this way: there is a group of energetic former Secular Franciscans who have broken their fraternal relationships with us to form a separate group of Franciscan tertiaries. As is all too common with broken family relationships, these former members seek to draw other members into their group.

2022-05-11T15:17:31-04:00December 6th, 2021|Categories: CNSA, From the Newsletter|2 Comments
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