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The Gospel Through a Franciscan Lens – Corpus Christi – Fr. Christopher

The Church, as Mother and Teacher of the faith, has given all believers, in these days of Eucharistic Revival, the opportunity to reflect deeply on the Eucharist, to be concerned what happens on the Altar and what should be happening in the hearts of those around the Altar. We need to reflect and understand that we are the Body of Christ, receiving Christ’s body.

2024-05-31T13:04:34-04:00June 1st, 2024|Categories: CNSA, Homilies|0 Comments

The Gift of Greccio

(This article originally appeared in the TAU-USA Spring 2024 Digital Issue #111)

by Patrick Martin, OFS National Centenary Task Force

According to the American Museum of Natural History, two thousand years ago our planet’s population was about 170 million souls (a far cry from today’s population of about 8 billion). […]

2024-05-21T19:52:08-04:00May 27th, 2024|Categories: Centenaries 2023-2026, From the Newsletter|0 Comments

And after the Lord gave me some brothers

For St. Francis, living “according to the pattern of the Holy Gospel” was physical and sacramental. One of its signal characteristics would be its communal nature. Modeled on the example of Jesus and the apostles, it would be a community of brothers who would “give themselves to honest work,” living a life of poverty in the world “as pilgrims and strangers.” In this and the other ways in which the Franciscan movement would take shape—St. Clare’s cloistered Poor Ladies or the secular Brothers and Sisters of Penance—the paradigm of Franciscan life would be fraternity.

2024-05-15T13:49:49-04:00May 20th, 2024|Categories: Formation, From the Newsletter|0 Comments

Taking Action for Renewal

Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation is meant to be more than a list of topics. It is a model to show how our life in the Rule brings about conversion, and how our actions are its fruit. We practice contemplative prayer, we reflect on our Gospel call, experience conversion, and apply it to this age and place. In our work, in our family life, in the parish and in our fraternities, we are a people of renewal.

2024-05-08T13:56:15-04:00May 13th, 2024|Categories: From the Newsletter, JPIC|0 Comments

Joy Comes With The Morning

We are often sad to lose the old, but we must never despair, for our Lord may prune, but he does so only to help his branch yield more fruit (Jn 15:2). In the area of ecumenism and interfaith dialogue, for example, we leave our old isolation, lose our false sense of security, and we enter a new path of discovery; we gain new friends and new wisdom. It doesn’t always happen in that order, but “joy comes with the morning!” (Ps 30:5).

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