The Gospel Through a Franciscan Lens – Ascension Thursday – Fr. Christopher
Brothers and sisters, “what are you waiting for, there’s work to do.” There’s a world waiting to be made whole and holy.
Brothers and sisters, “what are you waiting for, there’s work to do.” There’s a world waiting to be made whole and holy.
We are often sad to lose the old, but we must never despair, for our Lord may prune, but he does so only to help his branch yield more fruit (Jn 15:2). In the area of ecumenism and interfaith dialogue, for example, we leave our old isolation, lose our false sense of security, and we enter a new path of discovery; we gain new friends and new wisdom. It doesn’t always happen in that order, but “joy comes with the morning!” (Ps 30:5).
Jesus stands before the Father for our sake where our new existence is rooted and grounded. The love by which we live should be the disposition and the strength in our relationships with all people, and with all creation.
As I write this, I am on my way home from Rome after attending a meeting of the CIOFS International Formation Secretariat. Working with my brothers and sisters has been such a positive and uplifting experience that I began to think about why this would be so.
Mientras escribo esto, estoy de vuelta a los Estados Unidos desde Roma después de asistir a una reunión del Secretariado de Formación Internacional de la CIOFS. Trabajar con mis hermanos y hermanas ha sido una experiencia tan positiva y enriquecedora que comencé a reflexionar sobre por qué sería así.
In some cases, a young person discovers a renewed faith-life, but doesn’t know how to nourish this new reality. Finding time and energy to give thought, let alone action, to their spiritual lives is often not a “luxury” they feel they can afford. We, as more “seasoned” Catholics, can offer simple ways to revitalize this important area of their lives. Reflecting on the story of St. Francis and his experience of renewal and transformation, we know he was close to the same age as many of the young people we hope to serve. He too sought answers when he felt confused ...
True “abiding” in Christ is borne of prayer: Lord Jesus, without You we can do nothing. You are the true Gardener, Creator, Cultivator and Custodian of Your garden, which You plant with Your Word, irrigate with Your Spirit, and cause to grow with Your grace.
God loves my story and God loves your story, not because our stories are perfect (they are not), but because they are our stories. And God loves us. It is in and through the stories of our lives that God meets us, and makes His home in our hearts, and saves us.
For many people, a pilgrimage is a time of renewal. Going to a specific, holy place, often walking more than usual, praying in a place that is made significant by who has been there and what has happened in the past, any one of these things would help us to reflect on our lives, and a pilgrimage usually has all of them. ...