CNSA and NEC Respond to Questions and Provide Updates – Highlights of National Chapter
The Saturday afternoon session with the Spiritual Assistants and the National Executive Council (NEC) tackled questions that attendees submitted. [...]
The Saturday afternoon session with the Spiritual Assistants and the National Executive Council (NEC) tackled questions that attendees submitted. [...]
The National Formation Team unpacked the Ritual of the Secular Franciscan Order and revealed a treasure for the life of Franciscans. Written by the International Franciscan Liturgical Commission led by Benet A. Fonck, OFM, it was officially approved in English in 1985. [...]
Do you want to know how many canonically established Franciscan fraternities are in the United States? Or are you curious about the number of permanently professed members? Or do you want to know how many local spiritual assistants are in the Order?
In true Franciscan fashion, Donna Hollis, OFS, began her JPIC award talk by recognizing others who were nominated for the award. “This award represents and includes all of us who work tirelessly for Justice and Peace. It is not just me, but many members working together as Franciscans, and people with compassionate hearts showing the love of God through our actions for others in most need,” Hollis said. [...]
Donna Hollis, OFS, is the 2021 recipient of the National Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Award presented at the National Chapter. ... Carolyn Townes, OFS, JPIC animator, introduced Hollis as a Franciscan living out her call. “She is on the margins, at the border, taking care of those who have nowhere to lay their heads at night,” Townes said. “She does not judge or question why – only, what can I do to help? How can I love you and care for you – one human being to another? One child of God to another child of God.” [...]
St. Bonaventure University has announced its summer line-up of formation offerings. Many will be offered through Zoom. A detailed description of all the courses is available on the St. Bonaventure conference website.
When your earthly journey is over and you meet our heavenly Father, which of the two greetings do you expect? “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” “Where were you?” [...]
An echo of St. Francis’s vision of God’s call to “rebuild my church” resounds in the 21st century inspiration of ‘prophetic creativity,’ a concept that appears in recent Franciscan and church documents. [...]
What I invite you all now is to remember that the ultimate victory can never be won by evil. Christ has won the ultimate victory on the cross. This is what we celebrate, and in spite of every difficulty, misery, poverty and marginalization, illness and weakness, Easter is a feast of joy, the feast of the glory of God.
Excitement is building for the Aug. 3-7 Secular Franciscan Quinquennial in Phoenix. Nearly 600 Franciscans have registered, and there is room for more.