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Franciscan Jubilee – Minister’s Message Summer 2022

I will never forget my 50th birthday. My daughter, aware of the significance of this 50-year mark, made a sign that she hung on my mailbox. It simply said, “It’s Jan’s Jubilee!” I still have that sign. It now hangs on a wall in my garage as an important reminder to always turn to God, where I find joy and peace beyond all I could ask or imagine. It was not my idea that the theme of the 2022 Quinquennial Congress would be “Jubilee,” but when Br. Bob Brady, OFM, suggested it, I was thrilled. ...

2022-08-15T08:48:57-04:00August 15th, 2022|Categories: From the Newsletter, Minister’s Message|2 Comments

St. Michael’s Lent August 15th to September 29th

"In the writings of St. Francis, such as the Volterra text (Letter to All the Faithful) which is included in The Rule of the OFS, we are reminded again and again that Franciscans are called to be penitents, to pray and fast. For these reasons this ancient tradition is important to us. St. Michael’s Lent is a period of 40 days, honoring Mary and St. Michael the Archangel. It begins on the Feast of the Assumption and ends on The Feast of the Archangels. ...

2022-08-14T15:27:31-04:00August 13th, 2022|Categories: Announcements|2 Comments

Gospel Life of St. Francis Handbook Available for Free Digital Download

A free new formation resource on the Gospel life of Francis based on the Early Rule is available for download from St. Bonaventure University. It includes links to a 30-part series of short YouTube videos on the life of St. Francis completed by Franciscan scholars Fr. Wayne Hellmann, O.F.M. Conv., and Dr. Jay Hammond of St. Louis University.

2022-08-06T09:44:37-04:00August 6th, 2022|Categories: 20th OFS Quinquennial Congress 2022, Q Updates|9 Comments

Pardon of Assisi at Q

For all Quinquinnial attendees seeking the Pardon of Assisi Indulgence:  There will be a 5 p.m. Mass on Tuesday, Aug. 2, at the St. Mary's Basilica, Phoenix.   For more information on this indulgence, see

2022-09-13T14:25:19-04:00August 2nd, 2022|Categories: 20th OFS Quinquennial Congress 2022|0 Comments

Ecumenical Interfaith Committee Joint Committee on Franciscan Unity

“The People of God: A Sacred Prism,” was an interfaith gathering of representatives of various Franciscan groups, which sparked joy, peace, and spirituality for all who attended. What a privilege it was for us, as members of the OFS-USA Ecumenical / Interfaith Committee, to attend this special event held Nov. 14-16, 2021, at the Graymoor Spiritual Life Center in Garrison, N.Y., a ministry of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement. [...]

2024-06-06T18:33:33-04:00July 18th, 2022|Categories: Ecumenical Interfaith Committee, From the Newsletter|1 Comment

Franciscan Living – Take Delight in the Lord

I remember when each of my children was placed in my arms for the first time! I examined each one, marveling over every finger and toe, with their eyes gazing upon me! My children heard my voice and were comforted. I delighted in them, and they delighted in me. Psalm 37, verse 4, tells us to “Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” If the desire we have is to love God, then we must learn to delight in Him. How then do we do this? [...]

2022-07-12T14:27:19-04:00July 11th, 2022|Categories: From the Newsletter|2 Comments

Did You Know – Regionalization, A History

Willian Wicks, OFS, gives us a complete history of Regionalization – moving to geographical structuring and governing away from friar provincial jurisdictional structuring – in A History of the Secular Franciscan Order in the United States. ... Presented here are only excerpts copied directly from Vol. III, Chapter 12, pages 277- 316. ... No one can tell the story better than William Wicks.  The rest of the story, the details which mentions talks dating back to “1934 and probably before”, can be found in these volumes.

2022-07-08T09:05:52-04:00July 9th, 2022|Categories: Did You Know|4 Comments
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