Q is coming
Don’t keep it a secret! The 2022 Quinquennial Congress will be a time to celebrate and renew our Franciscan calling.
Don’t keep it a secret! The 2022 Quinquennial Congress will be a time to celebrate and renew our Franciscan calling.
Why attend a “Q”? Article 7 of the National Statutes of the Secular Franciscan Order in the United States (OFSUSA) states that the “National Fraternity shall celebrate a National Congress at least once every five years.”
Calling all Secular Franciscans and Friends to our 2022 Quinquennial Congress. The National Executive Council (NEC) of the Secular Franciscan Order in the United States is pleased to announce registration for the 2022 Quinquennial Congress will open on August 1, 2021. The event is scheduled for August 2022 in Phoenix, Arizona.
Many might remember the cute poster popular in the 70’s that pictured a cat desperately hanging on to a branch with its claws! The depiction underneath was “Hang on, Baby!”, and it became a common catchphrase, often used to this day. Words of wisdom for the struggles we are dealing with now.
I got involved in Multicultural and Diversity on November 3, 2012, when I was an REC councilor in my region. Our Regional Spiritual Assistant at that time asked whether I could assist with a newly forming bi-lingual group by helping with the formation for the Hispanic members. I knew that it was going to be a challenge, but not how challenging it was going to be.
The story of the widow’s might in Luke’s gospel, (Luke 21:1-5) always captured my imagination and wonder. How could a person who had nothing be so generous? How could she ignore how she would obtain her next meal? What would she live on?
Sharing the Good News with others is a mission set forth for all baptized people. The responsibility of inviting others into a Christ-centered gospel life, is one Secular Franciscans are especially called to when we say the words “Yes, this is what I want” at our profession.
(This article originally appeared in the TAU-USA Winter 2021 Issue 102)
What was Pope Francis thinking when he took on the name of St. […]