JPIC Award Honors Works with Refugees
Kent Ferris, OFS, is the 2019 recipient of the National Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Award presented at the Secular Franciscan Order’s National Chapter, held Oct. 15-20
Kent Ferris, OFS, is the 2019 recipient of the National Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Award presented at the Secular Franciscan Order’s National Chapter, held Oct. 15-20
Bishop William Michael Mulvey prepared the way for the 2019 National Chapter meeting by celebrating Mass at the Jesus Christ Our Peace Chapel in Corpus Christi on Tuesday, Oct. 15.
Careful consideration suggests that the Prologue should be the starting point for any study, discussion, or meditation on the Rule.
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Los Tres Companeros Region – Texas invites you to join us in a JPIC Service project to assist immigrants that are legally crossing the border, awaiting a court hearing and traveling to their US destination.
We live in a world of change. We witness a significant re-ordering of our social fabric almost at the blink of an eye. The cultural, moral, and spiritual framework in which we live is evolving dramatically. This is the context where our Franciscan witness to the Rule is challenged.
A sense of community will make them joyful and ready to place themselves on an equal basis with all people, especially with the lowly for whom they shall strive to create conditions of life worthy of people redeemed by Christ. (OFS Rule, Art. 13b)
God has a message. God had a message for the Holy Virgin Mary, as he had a message for St. Francis. He has a message for each one of us...
The National Formation Commission wants to be sure that you have seen the excellent reports that were produced as a result of a conference held in Rome in March of 2019 celebrating the 40th anniversary of the approval of the Rule of 1978.