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The Cross and St. Francis

On Friday, January 5, 2024, at the Sanctuary of La Verna, the Franciscan Family officially opened the VIII Centenary of the Stigmata of St. Francis, with an event entitled “From the wounds to new life.” Eight centuries ago this year, up on the same mountain, on September 17, 1224, he received the stigmata; that is, the wounds of Christ were revealed on his hands, feet, and side. However, St. Francis’ interiorization of the cross took place much earlier. It happened around 1205-06, at the beginning of his conversion.

2024-06-04T13:29:12-04:00June 10th, 2024|Categories: Centenaries 2023-2026, From the Newsletter|0 Comments

We Are Called To Renewal

This passage from St. Paul (Rom12:2), notes three levels of adherence to God’s will: good, acceptable and perfect. Initially there is a minimum of following Christ which is solely good (not evil). Next we have acceptability which reflects a little higher adherence but still withholds total commitment and finally, there is perfection; for those who are fully committed to follow Christ and to become transformed by Him. It is a renunciation of self and desires, with a total intention of living for Christ in this world.

2024-05-29T14:16:08-04:00June 3rd, 2024|Categories: Formation, From the Newsletter|0 Comments
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