
The Heart of Our Faith is the Person of Jesus Christ pg 72-75

Our faith begins not in a thing, nor in a doctrine, nor in a church, … No, our founding stems from none of these, although many things of various natures may stem from our one foundation, who is not a what, nor a when nor a where nor even a why. The heart of our faith is the person of Jesus Christ, true God and truly human.

2022-05-19T17:22:18-04:00April 17th, 2020|Categories: Formation, New Resource, The OFS Rule|0 Comments

The (Still) Basic C’s of the Franciscan Charism 5PointPlan pg 64-70

Friar Matthias said to the effect that despite all the “new scholarship” and “new insights” into Franciscan spirituality, he still felt that what he had learned and always believed and taught was true: that the four basic aspects of the Franciscan Charism were the Crib, the Cross, the Cup and Creation.

2022-05-19T17:23:51-04:00April 15th, 2020|Categories: Formation, New Resource, The OFS Rule|0 Comments

Follow Me – Five Point Plan pgs 59-63

Permit me to offer in this article the "flip side" of the article "Miserando atque Eligendo.” In that article, I focused on Christ’s “looking with mercy” (miserando) on Levi, a tax collector, on our Holy Father Pope Francis and on all of us in “choosing” (eligendo) us to follow Him. In this article, I will focus on our response to our Lord's merciful choice or election of us to "Follow me."

2022-05-19T17:26:17-04:00April 13th, 2020|Categories: Formation, New Resource, The OFS Rule|0 Comments
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