From the Newsletter


“ … For I am longing to see you so that I may share with you some spiritual gift to strengthen you – or rather so that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” ( Romans 1:11,12) It is believed that Paul wrote these words to the Romans while on mission to Jerusalem. He was separated from the church by distance, but not in spirit, and writes to encourage them on their faith journey. ... So, why would it be unusual for us to want to encourage each other now?

2022-05-14T17:24:29-04:00February 1st, 2021|Categories: From the Newsletter|1 Comment

Bringing Peace

In the past 15-20 years, we have seen people expressing their opinions in ways that are more and more extreme. Instead of reason, we have emotion; in place of discussion, we have insults. Social media adds to this by giving the shield of anonymity to the most hurtful remarks. It isn’t so much what people believe, as the way they say it, that is driving us apart.

2022-05-14T17:26:19-04:00January 25th, 2021|Categories: From the Newsletter|1 Comment

Franciscan Living

Have you thought of God being an encourager? Have you experienced our merciful God urging you into areas of your life where you did not want to go? He encourages us in those small "whispers" or nudges to do something out of our comfort zone. Sometimes God has to drag us reluctantly to take that leap of faith.

2022-05-15T13:13:48-04:00January 18th, 2021|Categories: From the Newsletter|0 Comments

St. Anthony & the Blessed Virgin Mary

Perhaps one lesser known fact about St. Anthony is his great devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and, on account of the many references to Mary in his sermons and expressive passion with which he speaks of her, he might well be called, like St. Bernard of Clairvaux, whom he so frequently quotes, a second “Marian Doctor.”

2022-05-15T13:17:46-04:00January 4th, 2021|Categories: From the Newsletter|0 Comments

Moving Forward: It’s Up To Us

Many feel unable to move forward, stifled by current world problems that seem insurmountable. Feelings of depression, division, greed, fear, or apathy thwart our efforts to live our vocation authentically. Secular Franciscans have a choice: either to hide from troubles or, with the help of our Rule and Gospel, to seek ways of moving forward in spite of difficulties.

2022-05-15T16:28:55-04:00December 28th, 2020|Categories: From the Newsletter|0 Comments


I am certain we will get to the other side of this (Pandemic). My certainty rests in God. My prayer is that we get to the other side with a new vision, a deeper understanding, more compassion, and a fervent commitment to do all that we can individually, fraternally, and through our Order to care for the world and all within it.

2022-05-15T14:10:45-04:00December 21st, 2020|Categories: From the Newsletter|0 Comments

Regional Diversity Team

Since there are no issues within the Order in our region, our focus moved to educate ourselves on the Beatitudes of Good Communication amongst all people. I heard a quote that went something like this: “You are the other part of me, I don’t yet understand.” We need to learn from each other. This is why learning and practicing mindful dialogue is so important with all people, because we don’t understand each other and what life is like from the perspective of other cultures.

2022-05-16T09:58:12-04:00December 14th, 2020|Categories: From the Newsletter|0 Comments

Racism – What’s A Secular Franciscan To Do?

The national OFS fraternity has asked us: to identify and eradicate the structures that perpetuate racism…; to pray for an end to racism…; to identify and confront our own unconscious racial biases. I hope this article provides some resources for each of these actions that you can use individually or as a fraternity for on-going formation. It is not comprehensive, but rather offers a menu of ideas.

2020-11-29T17:18:42-05:00November 30th, 2020|Categories: From the Newsletter|0 Comments
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