From the Newsletter


As a recovering perfectionist, although I have been professed for more than 24 years, my spiritual stretching or limberness has varied throughout the years.  Physically, I’ve never been able to bend over and touch my toes without bending my knees. Spiritually, I continue to work on allowing God to lead.

2022-05-22T15:07:41-04:00December 21st, 2019|Categories: From the Newsletter|0 Comments

20th Quinquennial Congress : Phoenix Arizona – August 18-22, 2021

With nearly two years to go to the Quinquennial Congress, where we will celebrate the 800th anniversary of our Secular Order, we are actively seeking dynamic presenters who will not only add to our body of Franciscan knowledge but also speak to our hearts to increase our Franciscan spirituality and call us continuously to conversion.

2022-05-22T15:11:53-04:00December 13th, 2019|Categories: 20th OFS Quinquennial Congress 2022, From the Newsletter|1 Comment
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