From the Newsletter

Who Is My Neighbor

When Francis of Assisi started calling himself “Brother Francis,” he wasn’t just picking a title. He was expressing the relationship he wanted to have with the world. In his youth, Francis would never have thought of lepers as “neighbors,” let alone brothers and sisters. ...

2023-02-25T18:46:01-05:00February 25th, 2023|Categories: From the Newsletter|0 Comments

Quinquennal Reflections

The Q was like looking through a telescope and seeing a galaxy of Secular Franciscans. Some were older and limited physically, some were middle aged with an energetic acute interest, and all seemed driven by a love for the principles of St. Francis. ...

2023-02-17T10:08:53-05:00February 20th, 2023|Categories: From the Newsletter|0 Comments

Day 3 at The Q 2022

Continuing with the spirited theme of the Quinquennial, "JUBILEE! Rejoice in the Choice!,” five Secular Franciscans concluded the keynotes with a call to live our vocation. Speaking in the final keynote were Doug and Marion Clorey, OFS, of Prince Edward Island, Canada, and Tim and Kathy Taormina, OFS, and Lori Hinker, OFS, of Apple Valley, Minn. ...

2023-02-09T17:32:47-05:00February 13th, 2023|Categories: From the Newsletter|0 Comments

Keynote Speakers Day 1&2 at the Q 2022

To alleviate what Pope Francis labeled a “globalization of indifference,” Fr. David B. Couturier, OFM Cap., called upon Secular Franciscans to build a more fraternal world in the opening keynote at the Quinquennial. “In all that you do, you must develop the bonds and connections of being a brother and sister to everyone in the world,” he said. He called upon Franciscans to make a difference in the lives of the poor and vulnerable. ... Pilgrim. Poor. Brother. Simplicity. Joyfulness. Enthusiasm. Humility. Authenticity. “I bet you could add several more to the list,” said Bishop John Stowe, OFM Conv. These traits reflect St. Francis of Assisi, as well as the actions of Pope Francis. ...

2023-02-03T20:20:11-05:00February 6th, 2023|Categories: From the Newsletter|1 Comment

Centenaries – Part 3 Celebrating Christmas at Greccio 1223-2023

When Thomas of Celano presents the story of the celebration of Christmas at Greccio, he talks about the reasons Francis of Assisi had for to setting up the manger and celebrating the Mass in a cave. ... As the Franciscan Family celebrating the centenary of the Christmas at Greccio, we are invited to pause before the mystery of the Incarnation in order to contemplate the depth of God’s love for humanity. The Son of God becomes the Son of man; he becomes one of us, our brother (cf. Second Version of the Letter to the Faithful 56, FF 201). Our faith in the Incarnation prompts us to discover the seeds of the Word present in all cultures and in contemporary society, so that we might bring to bloom the seeds of humanity we find there.

2023-01-20T10:02:53-05:00January 16th, 2023|Categories: Centenaries 2023-2026, From the Newsletter|1 Comment

Centenaries – Part 2 Celebrating the Rule 1223-2023

All members of the Franciscan Family profess a Rule that becomes a pattern of life and consists in observing the Gospel.... No member of the Franciscan Family professes his own Rule privately, because he is called to live the Gospel in fraternity. It is important to remember that Francis composed the Later Rule at a time in his life when he was dealing with a lot of tension and crises at the fraternal level, but he never renounced the prophetic vision of living as a brother to all and he invites us to do the same. ...

2023-01-04T19:25:57-05:00January 9th, 2023|Categories: Centenaries 2023-2026, From the Newsletter|1 Comment

Franciscan Centenaries

The five centenaries are part of a single thematic Centenary, which will develop gradually and harmoniously according to the chronology of the events celebrated. The key themes proposed for the celebration of the centenaries are considered from multiple perspectives, present in each celebration. These will specifically refer to the theological dimension (our being in Christ); the anthropological dimension (our being brothers and sisters); the ecclesiological dimension (our being in communion); and the sociological dimension (our being in the world). ...

2023-01-02T10:01:18-05:00January 2nd, 2023|Categories: Centenaries 2023-2026, From the Newsletter|2 Comments

Sharing The Vision

Beginning in 2023, and culminating in 2026, we will celebrate the anniversaries of five significant events in the life of St. Francis of Assisi, namely the 800th anniversaries of the Later Rule and the Christmas at Greccio (2023), the Stigmata (2024), the Canticle of the Creatures (2025), and the Easter of Francis (2026). ...

2022-12-26T12:16:21-05:00December 26th, 2022|Categories: From the Newsletter|2 Comments
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