Apostolate: Love in Living Deeds

“If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no food for the day, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well,” but you do not give them the necessities of the body, what good is it?” (James 2: 15,16.) It could also be said, if we see a river of people wandering without protection, all their savings stolen, preyed upon by criminals and officials alike, huddled against our national border, and we say to them, “peace and all good,” and do nothing to help them obtain food, shelter, and safety, what good is that?

2024-08-15T20:07:43-04:00August 19th, 2024|Categories: From the Newsletter, JPIC|0 Comments

Taking Action for Renewal

Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation is meant to be more than a list of topics. It is a model to show how our life in the Rule brings about conversion, and how our actions are its fruit. We practice contemplative prayer, we reflect on our Gospel call, experience conversion, and apply it to this age and place. In our work, in our family life, in the parish and in our fraternities, we are a people of renewal.

2024-05-08T13:56:15-04:00May 13th, 2024|Categories: From the Newsletter, JPIC|0 Comments

JPIC – A Change in Leadership

Joe Makley, OFS, is the new national animator for Justice and Peace and the Integrity of Creation. He replaces Carolyn Townes, OFS, who was appointed to the position in 2013 by the late Tom Bello, OFS.  Bello asked Townes to work on educating Secular Franciscans on JPIC issues. The National Executive Council paid tribute to Caroline (Carolyn) for her 10-year term with a retrospective slide show featuring her work on the JPIC commission. ...

2024-01-12T14:10:40-05:00January 15th, 2024|Categories: From the Newsletter, JPIC|2 Comments

Building Relationships – One Broken Soul at a Time

The priorities for the National Fraternity for the next three years are Vocations, Relationships, and Communications. All are incredibly important to who we are as Franciscans. At a brainstorming session at our recent in-person National Executive Council meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, I shared my thoughts on the three priorities: “We must build relationships with better communications in order to bring in vocations.”...

2023-07-07T17:49:02-04:00July 10th, 2023|Categories: From the Newsletter, JPIC|1 Comment

“Peace With the Earth, Peace with Each Other, Peace Within”

In late June, I was introduced to an amazing woman who was offering a wonderful gift to The Interfaith Alliance of the Southwest. This woman, Laurie Marshal, is the founder of The Singing Tree Foundation, promoting Unity Through Creativity. She wanted to partner with the Alliance and bring the Singing Tree Project to El Paso. It is the hope of both Laurie and the Interfaith Alliance of the Southwest to have the City of El Paso become declared an International City of Peace. ...

2023-05-12T18:10:20-04:00May 15th, 2023|Categories: From the Newsletter, JPIC|1 Comment

JPIC – It’s Never Too Late to Love

St Francis has inspired me since I was a little girl and read a biography of his life. My friend, Deacon Bob Campbell invited me to come to Franciscans Living in Community (FLIC), originally Secular Experience of Living Franciscanism (SELF). I was the only non- professed person there!! ... I feel like Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation chose me!! I always respond to the cry of the poor with prayer and action. ...

2023-03-31T15:32:44-04:00April 3rd, 2023|Categories: From the Newsletter, JPIC|0 Comments

12 Weeks of Franciscan Peace 2022

12 Weeks of Franciscan Peace is a beautiful way to prepare for the coming of the Prince of Peace. The program is available in English, Spanish, and Korean and includes thoughts or themes for each week, a reflection, a Psalm fragment, a reflection question, resolution, and prayer.

2022-10-06T21:45:11-04:00October 3rd, 2022|Categories: JPIC|1 Comment

JPIC – When Violence is the Way, We Must Choose and Show Another Way

In those days when a person’s word meant something, there was also more conversation, less debate, and more dialogue. Debate is more about winning and making the other person wrong than about having a healthy dialogue and sharing ideas. Where have those days gone? Why do I need to make you wrong rather than just understand your point of view? When we make others wrong, we do violence to them. We also do ourselves a disservice, because we lose out on the opportunity to learn from them, and thus to grow. ...

2022-09-13T14:14:15-04:00September 19th, 2022|Categories: From the Newsletter, JPIC|0 Comments
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