Minister’s Message

Are you filled with hope?

It’s the beginning of 2025, and we are in the Jubilee Year of Hope. “Pilgrims of hope” is the theme. We are people of hope – never despairing. That is great news, and it is worth sharing. ... Over the years, we have come to learn that the seeds we plant do not sprout immediately. We may not see results until months down the road, however we must sow seeds now to reap a harvest later. ...

2025-03-18T17:38:58-04:00March 24th, 2025|Categories: From the Newsletter, Minister’s Message|0 Comments

To Be Served or To Serve

As much as I enjoy being with brothers and sisters from our Franciscan family, serving as the National Minister is quite a bit of work. Sure, I “get to” travel to fulfill my responsibilities. Often that means time building relationships with brothers and sisters, learning the blessings and challenges encountered in each area and praying together as part of daily Mass and morning/evening prayer. Following the fun part comes meetings and then time developing a report to document the findings.

2024-12-24T14:21:20-05:00December 9th, 2024|Categories: From the Newsletter, Minister’s Message|0 Comments

“You Are Love:” Fraternity is our Workshop

... how grateful I am for the gift of fraternity: “What is truly special and emotional for me, though, is to see how people of different backgrounds, languages, and cultures are so much alike in our love for one another, for God, and for our Franciscan vocation. The Holy Spirit has given each one of us the exact gifts and talents we need to allow us to get along and to be productive. It's a bit of a miracle to see what even a tiny "temporary" fraternity can accomplish if we are open to the Spirit and to one another.”

2024-07-21T14:17:38-04:00July 22nd, 2024|Categories: From the Newsletter, Minister’s Message|0 Comments

Renewal-What Does It Mean To Us?

The theme for this edition of the TAU-USA is “Renewal.” What comes to mind? A day of rest? Something one does for a magazine subscription or a driver’s or professional license? What happens when we do not renew something? We may become burned out or exhausted in terms of our mind, or we may need to pay extra or pay a fine in terms of a license, or perhaps we might not be able to practice our profession/work. How about a renewal of our commitment to the Gospel? ...

2024-04-13T16:21:17-04:00April 15th, 2024|Categories: From the Newsletter, Minister’s Message|2 Comments

Building Relationships with the help of Jesus

Relationships is the third aspect of our national focus for 2022-2025.  The Gospel and our Rule call us to be in relationship.  "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matt 18:20 NAB Reflecting on Jesus' reminder from Matthew 18:20 - if two or three are gathered in his name, then He is there, we recognize that relationships with our Franciscan family members are especially important.

2023-12-11T17:26:49-05:00December 11th, 2023|Categories: From the Newsletter, Minister’s Message|2 Comments

Good Communication As Part of Our Communications Plan

As Catholics and Secular Franciscans, we are called to shape society and our Order's future. We are called to be good communicators and users of the means of communication available to us. When we hear the word “communication,” the first thing that probably comes to mind is media, that is, forms of communication with an “s.” ... All the communications (media) in the world go to waste if we do not communicate who we are to others and seek to understand who they are.

2023-08-01T21:51:06-04:00May 29th, 2023|Categories: From the Newsletter, Minister’s Message|1 Comment

National Minister’s Message

Have you heard the adage: “If everything is a priority, then nothing is a priority?” Of course, we don’t profess to live one article of the Rule at a time. But like the liturgical seasons, or the feast days, it does help to focus on one facet to deepen our understanding of it. We focus on one aspect while still applying the other aspects of our faith and Rule each day. ...

2023-03-05T16:25:15-05:00March 6th, 2023|Categories: From the Newsletter, Minister’s Message|3 Comments


It’s October 15, 2022, about 1:45pm Eastern time, and I have been elected National Minister of the Secular Franciscan Order in the United States (OFS-USA) by a majority vote of the members of the OFS-USA Fraternity Council at our Chapter in Detroit, Michigan. ... I have been integrating my first vocation (marriage to Brian Bamman – 32 years) with my second vocation (OFS – 27 years) for most of our married life. My husband is a “Fourth Order” Franciscan. Service as the National Secretary was a privilege and honor, but also took up quite a bit of time, so I was ready for a break. Brian and I prayed about it and discerned that it was ok to take my name off  the nominations list. What a relief! ...

2022-12-18T15:26:51-05:00December 19th, 2022|Categories: From the Newsletter, Minister’s Message|1 Comment
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