National Chapter

2018 State of the Order

During this morning's session of the National Chapter, our National Minister, Jan Parker, OFS, delivered the 2018 State of the Order presentation. The State of the Order document, as well as the presentation slides can be found on the Chapter's web page. Please take some time to read, reflect on, and pray about what Jan has shared with us in this important document.

2022-05-23T14:28:11-04:00October 10th, 2018|Categories: National Chapter|0 Comments

2018 National Chapter

The National Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order - USA (NAFRA) began its 2018 Chapter last night in St Louis. Many important topics will be addressed by our servant leaders this week and, on Saturday, an election will be held to select our national leadership team for the next three years.

2022-05-23T14:31:02-04:00October 10th, 2018|Categories: National Chapter|1 Comment
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