Hardcopy versions of the FUN Manual can be ordered by phone at 636-281-2129.
- 2011 List of Resources
- Assisi Pilgrimage
- Assisi Pilgrimage – retreat (PowerPoint)
- Basic Catholic Doctrine
- Charism & Mission of the SFO
- Clare
- Clare’s Blessing – MP3
- Clare’s Blessing – MWA
- Lesson Guide
- Part 1 & 2-1
- St. Clare of Assisi (PowerPoint)
- Conversion
- Conversion BW handouts
- Conversion (PowerPoint)
- Lesson Plan 3/13/11
- Creed
- Documents from XII General Chapter 2008
- The Beginnings of Charism – Tasca OFM Conv
- Ecclesiology of the Laity
- Church Documents:
- Ad Gentes Decree on the Missionary Activity of the Church
- Apostolicam Actuositam Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity
- Christifideles Laici On the Vocation and Mission of the Lay Faithful
- Ecclesiam Suam On the Church
- Evangelii Nuntiandi Evangelization in the Modern World
- Gaudium et Spes Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World
- Lumen Gentium Dogmatic Constitution on the Church
- Lesson Plan
- Ecclesiology of the Laity (PowerPoint)
- Church Documents:
- Essential Documents
- Francis and Divinity
- Francis & Divinity part 1 (PowerPoint)
- Francis & Divinity part 2 (PowerPoint)
- Francis and Divinity Lesson Plan session 1
- Francis and Divinity Lesson Plan session 2
- Francis and Divinity Lesson Plan session 3
- Franciscan Lectio & Clare’s Gazing
- Franciscan Lectio w Clare’s gazing (PowerPoint)
- Franciscan Spirituality part 3 (PowerPoint)
- Resource List for Basic Franciscan Theology
- Visual Meditation – Gazing
- Francis and the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Lesson Plan
- Francis & the BVM handouts (PDF)
- Francis & the BVM (PowerPoint)
- Fraternity
- Fraternity and Francis (PowerPoint)
- Lesson Plan
- FUN CD add ons
- 4 Modules incl CIOFS NAFRA REC
- Caritas in Veritate-individual-guide USCCB PDF
- FUN Additional Resource Index
- Prayer of the Faithful for Various OccasionsI
- Identity as a Secular Franciscan
- From XII General Chapter 2008
- Identity as a Secular Franciscan – Lesson Plan
- Interview Guides
- JPIC & CST (Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation & Catholic Social Teaching)
- Catholic Social Teaching – Encyclicals
- 120 Years of Papal Social Teaching
- 2004 Compendium of Social Doctrine of the Church
- CARITAS IN VERITATE On Integral Human Development in Charity and Truth
- Centesimus Annus On the 100th Anniversary of Rerum Novarum
- DEUS CARITAS EST Summary On Christian Love
- DIGNITATIS HUMANAE Declaration on Religious Freedom
- Economic Justice for All Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching
- Evangelium vitae On the Value and Inviolability of Human Life
- Fides et Ratio On the Relationship between Faith and Reason
- Gaudium et Spes Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World
- Justicia-in-Mundo Justice in the World
- Laborem Exercens On Human Work
- Mater et Magistra On Christianity and Social Progress
- Octogesima Adveniens On the 80th Anniversary of Rerum Novarum
- Pacem in Terris On Establishing Universal Peace
- Populorum Progressio On the Development of Peoples
- Quadragesimo Anno On Reconstruction of the Social Order
- RERUM NOVARUM Rerum Novarum On Capital and Labor
- Sollicitudo Rei Socialis 20th Anniversary of Populorum Progressio
- CST Short Version (PowerPoint)
- Lesson Plan #1
- Lesson Plan #2
- JPIC Chapter 1(PowerPoint)
- JPIC Chapter 2(PowerPoint)
- Reading List on Catholic Social Teaching
- Catholic Social Teaching – Encyclicals
- Lifeline of St. Francis
- Nature of the SFO
- Francis founder 3 orders PowerPoint
- Lesson Plan
- Nature of the SFO 2010 PowerPoint
- Nature of the SFO handouts PDF
- Nature of the SFO handouts PowerPoint
- Structure of the SFO PDF
- Overview of Way of Life – Rule
- Pathway to Profession
- Profession
- Profession – Felice Cangelosi EN PowerPoint
- Profession in the SFO – Cangelosi
- Presentation PowerPoint
- Profession PowerPoint
- Lesson Plan
- Rule of the SFO
- Rules of the SFO (all PDF)
- Sample Formation & Workshop Plans
- Sample Profession Preparation Pack
- SFO Resource & Support Manuals
- Spiritual Assistance to the SFO
- Vocation
- What is Formation?